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Now it just seems like you spend most of your time yelling, nagging and fighting battles with your kids that leave you exhausted.
"Mommy's working!"​
"I don't have time right now!"
It really seems like the only time you spend with your kids is to referee sibling rivalries, endure tantrums and suffer through noisy and chaotic interactions.
This is not at all what you were dreaming for your family life.
"I can't wait for bedtime!"​
"I'm so sick of the fighting!"
You have to repeat things so many times just to get your kids to listen, and when they finally do, it is with attitude and eye rolls.
And to be honest, you are quite tired of it all.
Your kids leave you feeling exhausted and needing a break.
You feel like you are turning into the parent you NEVER wanted to be.

Literally MILLIONS of parents are in the same boat as you, but don't worry, we can help.
Me & My House Catholic Parenting gives you the tools, the community, the plan and the reasons to be a joyful Catholic parent.

Me & My House is already helping parents in the United States, Canada and Australia!
This REALLY Works!
"These videos are very practical. Patrick gradually introduces ways to help you implement solid, Catholic teaching in your home, in raising your children, and in relating to your spouse."
- Rosa Sautner
Packed With Useful Information!
"These videos are very impactful and are full – I mean really, really full! – of great ideas, tips, exercises and things to consider for your own unique family."
- Kate Taliaferro
And it can it help you too!
Sounds too good to be true but it's not. Take a look at how other Me & My House users describe some of the toughest moments of parenting.
It is not at all what you would expect.
"Every day, my four year old gives me a whole hour to work without being interrupted. And I'm not even putting him in front of the screen to get it."
"Bedtime is no longer a battle. My kids actually look forward to our nighttime routine."
"I can't believe it. I just heard my seven year old APOLOGIZE to her sibling for some slight she would normally do."
"I just had a quiet meal with my family. There was conversation and the kids actually tried using their manners. I felt like I was in a movie!"
"I took my four kids out to the store with me and not only was there no complaining but I actually got complimented by a stranger about how good my kids were."
"Unbelievable. I just caught my teenager talking about our family culture to the little ones as he played with them on his own initiative."
""I love you mommy." That's what my daughter said to me as she was cleaning her room. I could get used to this."
The examples could be multiplied MANY times over. But you get the picture.
Me & My House parents everywhere are creating the peaceful and joyful homes that they want. And so can you.
Hi I'm Patrick Sullivan
I'm the creator of Me & My House, a Catholic parenting program designed to help you through the most difficult aspects of parenting.
Yelling, bedtime battles, messy meals, frustrating outings, you name it, my wife and I have had to deal with it all over the years.
And that's what I want to share with you. I want you to have the benefit of my experience without the pain of learning it.
It's not rocket science and you do not need to read a copious amount of books on child psychology to 'get it.'
It's all about small habits that make a HUGE difference to your family culture.
So if you're done with disappointment and frustration, then let's turn things around together.
Me & My House Gives You The Tools And Concepts To Deal With...
Crazy meal times
Disconnected schedules
Insincere apologies
Out of control media consumption
Your kids' questions about the Faith
Embarrassing family outings
Poor Communication
Attention Craving Behaviour
Rule breaking
Bad Attitudes
Sibling Rivalry
Yelling matches
A lack of piety
Name calling
Vicious vices
Temper tantrums
Religious celebrations
Explosive language
Unmotivated kids
And much more!
But that's not all.
Me & My House looks at the BIGGER picture
by helping you to establish your family culture, create your family mission and to implement House and Character Rules that will make your parenting a breeze.

I am so pleased with the Me & My House program. It fills a need that seems underserved in the Church – a full-orbed, integrated class on childrearing that is founded upon the faith and isn’t afraid to touch on things like habits and discipline.
- Desiree Hausam
Me & My House is not just helping parents correct behaviour but we're helping parents to form their kids in the faith!
We're in this together!
"I felt as though there was a camaraderie – a feeling as though he is in the proverbial trenches with me, rather than fighting against my approach to parenting.
Mr. Sullivan wasn’t interested in laying blame; rather, he was interested in cultivating and deepening his viewer’s intentionality toward parenting."
- Anni

It's all here for you in just one place!
"I loved that I found all of these things in just one program. From a dad who understands, and has been through it! Not just a childless child psychologist who has "all the answers.”
- Gessica Tastove
Meet Patrick's Kids - Not Actors!
If he can do this with his LARGE family you can too!
Real kids, real problems, real results!
You can't shock him; he has already seen it - 10 times!
Get Results You Will Absolutely Love
Happier and more emotionally connected kids
Conversations, not yelling matches
Time for yourself because you finally can!
Take The Guesswork Out Of Parenting
Easy tips and strategies you can implement tomorrow
Short interactive video lessons that you'll actually enjoy
Text and online diary to record your awesome progress
Zero Waiting - Get FULL Access Immediately
Jump to the section that you need the most
No need to complete the program in any order - it is completely up to you
Lessons you can implement right now and watch your family transform
Be Part OF A Faith-Filled Community Of Parents
A Facebook Group just for parents like you - find support in a safe zone to vent, grow and make real friends
A weekly blog written by parents who are in the trenches with you - more tips and tricks and insights from our amazing bloggers every week

This is the highest-quality...

(This) is the highest-quality and most practical Catholic parenting course I've ever seen. Thank you so much for creating this spectacular program Patrick!
I also loved...

I also loved that, while each episode built on the last, they could easily stand alone, making them perfect for busy parents watching them in their ‘free time.’
Fostering vibrant comunities
I think this course is a great refresher for all – and will help increase support and build a stronger, more vibrant community among Catholic families.

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