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Let's Get Started!

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Patrick Sullivan

Catholic  Author, Speaker and Parenting Expert

Hi my name is Patrick. I am the father of ten awesome children and I love helping parents to create the kind of home that they want.

If you're reading this, it means that you're really considering becoming a better parent.

And that's wonderful, because we can all get better at this most important task.

So over the next five days, look at me as your coach and allow me to encourage and help you to create the kind of home that you have always dreamed of. 

I'll see you in the challenge!


FIVE Days. FIVE Challenges.

LOADS of benefits for your family's faith life.

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Each challenge video only takes a minute or two to watch, but through them you will learn to do simple yet powerful actions to improve and strengthen your relationship with your child.


Yvette, mother of four

These videos are an awesome tool for parents looking to apply some basic skills to live faith in the family in an intentional way. So basic yet so helpful for parents raising their Catholic families! 

Chris, father of five

The Catholic Parenting Challenge videos are captivating for parents because they provide practical ways of living out family life founded on faith.

Sophia, mother of two

I have had the pleasure of reviewing the Catholic Parenting Challenge over the past week and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is accessible and profound – certainly a winning combination in family ministry!

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Me & My House
Parenting Course


seven parenting commandments
Catholic parenting blog
The five day catholic parenting challenge
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